The mining sector is undergoing a transformative phase to improve 可持续性 and meet the rapidly rising demand for critical raw materials. Swedish mining companies are well-placed to capture opportunities and thrive in key markets such as 加拿大, 美国, 智利, 巴西, 南非, 和澳大利亚. 利用他们在创新和可持续发展方面的专业知识, Swedish companies can contribute to the global mining industry's efficiency and 可持续性 goals.

在本期我们的报告系列《乐博彩票官方app》中, 我们深入研究乐博彩票官方app设备制造商的潜力, suppliers and technology experts in key mining markets and uncover opportunities in four key priority areas that will shape the future of mining.



The report series Executive Global Insight is published by 乐博彩票官方app商业 to give Swedish business leaders a regular deep-dive into the most important trends in cross-border trade.

The reports help decision makers break down risks and opportunities and provide actionable insights, drawn from the knowledge and expertise of 乐博彩票官方app商业’s global advisors based in more than 40 markets worldwide.




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